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A man is a male human. The term man is usually reserved for an adult male, with the term boy being the usual term for a male child or adolescent. However, the term man is also sometimes used to identify a male human, regardless of age, as in phrases such as "men's basketball".

Here are the 30 Facts about Men.

1. Men are 3 to 4 times more likely to attempt suicide and succeed than women.

2. Men have a life expectancy of 64.52 years, as compared to a life expectancy of 68.76 years for women.

3. Men's Testicles hang between the legs to keep cool because sperm dies at body temperature.

4. Boys typically experience puberty between the ages of 12 and 14, a time in which the voice changes to its lower timbre, growth spurts occur, and the secondary sex characteristics begin to develop. Puberty for boys generally occurs later than in girls of the same age group.

5. Men sweat up to twice as much as women.

6. The “Adam’s apple,” or laryngeal prominence in the neck, is a feature primarily unique to adult men and is a result of the growth of the larynx during puberty. The term is derived from the Biblical account of Adam eating the forbidden fruit in the Garden of Eden.

7. A man is 35% more likely to be diagnosed with prostate cancer than a woman is to be diagnosed with Cancer, breast cancer.

8. In terms of absolute size and in proportion to overall body mass, the human penis is longer and thicker than that of any other primate.

9. Men are struck by lightning five times more often than women.

10. Men are more likely to say "I love you" first than women are a study found.

11. Despite popular belief, studies show men are not more flatulent than women.

12. Men can lactate too, but only under extreme circumstances.

13. A man walks about 7% slower when with wives or girlfriends and speeds up when with other men.

14. By 2020, China could have between 30 million and 40 million men who cannot find wives.

15. The average man is 4-5 inches taller than the average woman.

16. Men were the first to wear high heels around the 1600s. Women began wearing them to look more masculine.

17. Women blink 19 times per minute, compared to 11 for men.

18. Men with attractive wives report higher levels of satisfaction with their marriages, a study says.

19. Men with shaved heads are perceived as an inch taller and 13% stronger than men with hair.

20. In his lifetime, a man spends almost six months shaving.

21. If your laptop feels hot, don't put it on your lap if you're a man, it may cause infertility.

22. Men lie 6 times a day, twice as often as women.

23. Men spend almost a year of their lives staring at women, a survey found.

24. The brains of adult men are larger in total size than the brains of women, which is around 10%. This is because men generally have more muscle mass and a larger stature than women, their brains require more neurones to control the body.

25. Men are nearly two times more likely than women to abuse recreational drugs like cocaine and marijuana and thrice as likely to abuse alcohol.

26. A 99-year-old man divorced after 77 years of marriage. He divorced his 96-year-old wife because he had discovered about an affair she had in the 1940’s.

27. Boys are approximately three times more likely to be diagnosed with attention deficit disorder (ADD) or attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) than girls are.

28. The biological symbol for the male sex, a circle with a small arrow protruding from it, is also the symbol for the planet Mars. The two components of the symbol are designed to represent the shield and spear of Mars, the Roman god of war.

29. Globally, boy babies are 25% more likely to die in infancy than girl babies.

30. The length of the average erect penis is 5.57 inches long, and the smallest penis is 1.57 inches long, while the longest is 10.23 inches long.

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